Hi, Renovators!
The launch of Hotel Renovator has been huge for us! We see a lot of amazing designs from you guys on our Discord and social media. While there are still some things that we need to work on, we will not stop working until the game experience is improved. That being said, Patch 1 is already here and here’s the list of fixes that are included:
- Item spawning in the Lost and Found quest is now fixed
- Triggering of the ending cutscene when the player is not on the terrace in the Party Time quest is now fixed
- “+” and “-” key hints for time control are fixed
- Performance while using demolition tools on large surfaces has been optimised
- NPC eyes clipping through textures have been fixed
- The performance drop at the start of the game has been fixed
- Some NPC animation bugs, like sitting in the air, have been fixed
- The rain falling through the roof of the elevator has been fixed
- Overall performance has been optimised
- Rendering issues during cutscenes have been fixed
- Textures and level of detail of NPCs have been optimised
- The random tutorial pop-up display has been fixed
- Female NPC walking animation has been improved
- The Cowboy Special Guest quest progression is now fixed
- The elevator texture change while switching floors has been eliminated
- New room number plaques have been added
- The missing requirements on the pool renovation pop-up have been added
- Some localisation issues have been solved
We hope this improves your Hotel Renovator experience while we add new fixes that will be introduced in Patch 2, which is planned for next week.
If you come across an issue or bug, feel free to report it on Steam or directly on our Discord server.